This is the published html file of Project Whiteboard v1.0.0 itself. It was modified to show this information and use an appropriate title.



Author: Joel Tengco

Description: A tool to help manage, organize and showcase projects.


Initial project design

Initial brainstorm of designing the project. The main tabs and the directory structure I initially wanted to implement are shown here.

Timeline and info pages design

I wanted a sticky panel in the info page where users can append bodies of text and resource images. The timeline page needed buttons to change how much the project has progressed, along with deleting the milestones.

Publishing feature design

This shows the logic behind the publishing feature. Using a base html template, a script will fill the data with the currently opened project, and jQuery will fetch the current html state to be written in a file; which will be zipped with its resources. The resulting zip file is the published project.



Task Status
Fully implement tasks page: adding, editing and deleting tasks
Implement edit issue desc and deleting issues
Implement full functionality of info page: adding text, img, etc.
Implement full functionality of timeline page: adding/inserting milestones, edit and delete
Implement full functionality of resources page: adding resource images, deleting them, editing their desc
Implement publishing projects, as in generating static html to showcase entire project
Style everything
Implement prompt for exiting without saving
Implement date published in published projects
Migrate from local dir as save data to user AppData as save data dir
Implement deleting projects
Customize the home page more


▼ lose unsaved changes on main window close

Closing the main window with unsaved changes results in losing those changes. remote.getCurrentWindow().on('close', ...) does not work as documented in Electron.

▼ orientation for images

image orientation is not honored when adding resources

▼ format of resource info divisons

Resource description in publish preview page does not wrap when long enough, need to restyle to make it nicer visually.

▼ format of info body text

Restyle the text elements in info body in publish preview page. When text is long, can span all across page; not so nice visually.

▼ title in published html

After publishing a project, the resulting index.html file has a title that is still appended with "publish preview".


Title: publishing feature

Description: Figure out how to implement the publishing feature, snapshot of html page with webContents.capturePage() ? or new browser window to show prev, confirm, etc.

Solution: Spawn a new window with base html code, use webContents.executeJavaScript() to fill page with project data, then use jQuery to fetch the html string of the entire page, storing it in a new file to be zipped. Went with show preview and have user press publish button at bottom to confirm.

Date: 6/21/2019

Title: linking imgs in published html

Description: can maybe use to generate zip file with published html and res/ folder containing imgs

Solution: same as description; used archiver to zip the processed html file with a res directory containing the resources.

Date: 6/21/2019

Title: disallow draggable imgs in res and info pages

Description: imgs can be dragged as in transparent copy of img following cursor; typically indicating copying img to target location on drop

Solution: Simply set their css pointer-events to none.

Date: 6/21/2019

Title: prompting for save before exit

Description: can click home while unsaved changes exist, resulting in losing those changes

Solution: implement a func to show dialog to confirm the user's intentions; using dialog.showMessageBox()

Date: 6/22/2019

Title: file paths broken in distribution

Description: after packaging with --asar option, file paths are broken

Solution: Instead of having save data in dir local to project dir, store them in appData using app.getPath('userData').

Date: 6/23/2019

Title: unfocusable new project title input box

Description: If there are no projects detected in the projects dir, after clicking ok in the error message box, the new project title input box is unfocusable.

Solution: Instead of using alert(), use dialog.showMessageBox()

Date: 6/24/2019